Food Safe Fissler Smooth Edge Can Opener Review

I just wanted to take a quick moment (while my bean and ham canned soup is cooling down) to share that I love love love my new Fissler Magic Smooth Edge can opener! It took a few minutes when I first got it to figure out how it attaches to the can because a smooth edge can opener is not like your traditional can opener that has plier-like grips – I just remember that the little metal loop goes on top when you put the roller on the can.

Why is a Smooth Edge Can Opener better than other can openers?

Fissler Smooth Edge Can Opener
The Fissler smooth edge can opener is a much cleaner and more hygienic way to open canned food because it never actually comes into contact with the contents of the can-so you could go from opening a can of cat food to a can of tomato sauce to a can of tuna fish without having to ever wash your can opener! And let’s face it how many of us actually clean our can openers every time?

(In several food safety studies over the years can openers have been found to have the potential for high levels of bacterial and fungal contamination including Escherichia coli (E-Coli) or Salmonella. Source)

No Sharp Edges with a Smooth Edge Can Opener

Another great feature of the Fissler Magic smooth edge can opener is that it takes the lid off cleanly without producing sharp edges as other can openers do. That alone sounds almost too good to be true. It’s much safer for kids, seniors, and even me. In addition, the lid still fits perfectly on top of the can, so if you want you can keep the lid as a cover and save some money on Saran wrap when you have leftovers. The can looks unopened-which come to think of it would also make it a great place to hide secret stuff or store any number of things in a discreet manner.

The Fissler Smooth Edge Can Opener is the neatest most practical can opener I have ever owned. Really. I read pretty much every review ever written before buying it too because I didn’t want to pay this much for a can opener and be duped, but I’m happy that I did.

There was another brand that had plastic parts that would eventually break according to some reviews that I also almost bought. The Fissler, however, is made in Germany and was built to last, which saves valuable resources from ending up in the dump. It’d make a surprisingly unique gift come the holidays too 🙂

There’s a Fissler Smooth-Edge Can Opener for sale on Amazon for $11 less than what I paid for it just a couple weeks ago. I might have to buy a couple extra for friends and family.

Update: I still have my Fissler can opener eleven years after I purchased it! It still opens cans like, well like magic. Now that’s a great can opener wouldn’t you agree?

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One comment

  1. That is the weirdest can opener.

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