Our perky little puppy has a thing for dog collars, a contest if you will – to see how fast he can conquer those pesky restraints that us humans force upon him. Puppies love to chew granted, but Barley seems to take a devilish pride in how fast he can eat his way to freedom… until he made friends with his recycled dog collar made by the American Kennel Club.
I swear we went through 5 dog collars in five days until we found AKC Recycled Dog Collars. It has been over a month now and Barley seems to have found one he can live with – he hasn’t given up on the chewing mind you, looking at the state of his dog toys he still has the passion for making mincemeat out of his possessions, but at least he seems comfortable with his eco-friendly recycled dog collar.
What are Recycled Dog Collars Made out of?
AKC Eco-Friendly Dog Collars are double woven from recycled plastic bottles, and surprisingly are flexible and comfortable (well ok I haven’t actually tried one on, but they must be ok since he’s been very happy with it). The clasp and leash ring are also made of partially recycled plastic and steel, and the whole manufacturing process is pesticide and herbicide free.
The packaging, also made from recycled cardboard, has made a great little drawing pad for the kiddos while I write this post. Reuse, recycle and all that right? 🙂 Oh and most of all these recycled dog collars are very affordable at about $6-$9 so if he does decide he wants an eco-friendly snack it doesn’t hurt the wallet quite so much.
While looking for these AKC recycled dog collars I happened upon other recycled dog collars for sale on Amazon so below are a few featured brands to check out for the eco-geek pooch in your lives.
Check out these bestselling eco-friendly Recycled Dog Collars Below
Update: It has been six months since this post and Barley’s recycled dog collar is still going strong – these recycled dog collars from AKC seem to be a bit hard to find but if you can get your paws on one you’ll love it.

Awesome! Nothing like an Echo Friendly Pooch.
Great product.
Really nice, i was unknown from it. Seriously if every person who live on earth concern about Eco products then we can make our earth really beautiful. Eco products are really worthy.
One very nice thing about these are their design, design is really attractive.
I really like the idea of recycling plastic into something useful for our pets, really a super idea. It would work great here on our farm… as we collar all our pets… dogs, cat and the goats (so far the chickens are still nu-collared – hahaha).
Hey maybe you have a new hit on your hands – recycled chicken collars. Well, recycled collars for chickens, not recycled chicken collars. 🙂
Chicken collars, that’s too funny. My husbands parents have chickens on the farm, I couldn’t imagine taking one of them for a walk.
We are thinking of getting a little dog though and I will keep these eco friendly collars in mind.
I recently purchased a dog collar like this, green pet products are becoming more and more popular. Our dog is environmentally friendly, even if he doesn’t know it 🙂