Winter chills bring sniffles and pills but with this all natural cough remedy, a food based cough syrup you can give your kids some relief without risking harmful over the counter “medicines”.
There is nothing worse than hearing one’s child suffer through a winter cold and the hacking night time cough that keeps them tossing and turning all night. It gets to the point where you’ll even consider giving them over-the-counter medications (that frankly have some pretty dangerous ingredients) just to give them a few hours of relief. If you’ve been trying to replace as many harmful children’s medicines with all natural ones take a look at Maty’s Quiet Relief Cough Syrup – a natural cough suppressant.
Many natural cough remedies for children (and adults for that matter) get a bad rap when it comes to how well they work so you may wonder “does Maty’s Quiet Relief cough syrup work?” I’m always interested in trying a new natural cough remedy so when I was looking for something to give the kidieos some bliss from a particularly nasty night time cough I thought I’d try some and I am glad I did. ( I tried the Maty’s Kid’s Quiet Relief Cough Syrup, Caramel Banana Flavor)
After about 7.5493 minutes (okay I didn’t actually time it but I’d say around 5-8 minutes) the coughing stopped and they finally fell into a peaceful sleep – peaceful for them as well as us! The directions state to take it every 4 hours and that is about how long the relief lasted, 4 or 5 hours, so it would be nice if it had a longer duration but to find a natural cough syrup that actually works and works pretty fast I will certainly buy it again.
What is Maty’s Quiet Relief Cough Syrup and how is it a natural cough remedy?
Maty’s cough syrup is food based so it doesn’t have any harmful ingredients, sweeteners, corn, soy, dairy, wheat or yeast. I don’t know the process by which it is made but I would guess that this is a raw food cough syrup which is even better because all the healing properties of the ingredients would be kept at their most potent levels.
Maty’s cough syrup is made from antioxidant rich Buckwheat honey which has been shown to improve respiratory function. It also contains Cinnamon, Zinc, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper, Sea Salt, and Lemon Balm each of which have numerous healing properties – too numerous to list even, but here is the information from the box.
Maty’s Natural cough remedy ingredient properties
- Cinnamon: promotes healthy breathing
- Zinc: provides immune support
- Apple Cider Vinegar: promotes healthy mucus flow
- Cayenne Pepper: aids circulation
- Sea Salt: naturally neutralizes toxins in the body
- Lemon Balm: has a calming effect
While we tried the Maty’s natural cough remedy for children it also comes in a regular, basically the same without the extra banana flavor.
This post on Maty’s natural cough remedy shared on Real Food Wednesday and Fight Back Friday

Oh my! This is a very promising remedy. I just usually give them herbal medicines. I concoct some herbal drinks that my mother used to make when I have cough.
You can also try a natural remedy such as Cinnamon and a Lime – This is an incredible remedy on how to stop a cough that is definitely effective. Boil 2 cinnamon sticks in one cup of lime juice. The vitamin C that is present in the lime juice can boost your body’s immune system. The combination of lime and cinnamon can take out the phlegm.
Thanks for the tip Athan – it is similar to an immune boosting drink I had written about awhile back with lemon and cinnamon. Have you noticed a difference in using lime vs lemon for cough relief?
Thanks for sharing about this natural cough syrup, I’m sure first-time parents will find your post very informative. I’ve heard that kids 1 year and above are given a teaspoonful of honey and few drops of lemon juice to cure the cough but after coming across this natural cough syrup I feel that this cough looks far more better since it has the goodness of other healing properties as well.
Yes that’s right honey – especially local honey is great for allergies, as well as colds. (for a child under a year there is a risk of botulism from eating honey so that’s why it is a no-no) This Maty’s cough syrup is great stuff – we’ve been pretty fortunate not to have any colds for quite some time now but I’d definitely buy it again if we do.
Great to see a natural cough remedy that looks like it gets the job done. It’s so helpful to be able to give your kids something so that they can get the rest they need AND have it contain ingredients you feel good about giving them. I’m not really well informed on Buckwheat honey, I wonder if it has any positive affect on asthma.
Just found your blog and it looks like you’ve got a lot of great information here!
Thanks for swingin’ on in Darci – I would think buckwheat honey would be great for allergies – especially if it is local honey as that is the best for allergy relief.