We stopped by Byerly’s the other day because we heard they sold a dandy of a probiotic drink we recently discovered (Probiotic Health Daily) and right next to it was a selection of Kefir drinks. I had heard a little bit about Kefir recently so I decided to give the blueberry Kefir a try.
If you aren’t familiar with Kefir it is a fascinating ancient yogurt-like drink that has numerous health benefits. First off it is a probiotic (good bacteria that help strengthen your body and immune system) so it is one of the best remedies for digestive troubles.
Kefir is also very high in lactic acid so is recommended as a protection against cancer, and Kefir has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora so if you suffer from Candida overgrowth Kefir will be your best friend. Another interesting discovery for garlic lovers – Kefir and probiotics help neutralize bad bacteria and control bad breath!
I’m just learning about Kefir and probiotics myself, it is certainly a fascinating topic – and I’m learning tasty to explore as well. Take for example the blueberry Kefir we recently tried. It is quite yummy all on its own, (or throw a dash in your cereal in the morning), but once I tried my first glass my creative kitchen instincts kicked in and I thought hmm, what would this taste like in pancakes?
I usually take the easy route with pancakes and use a store bought mix and then spruce it up a bit, but if you have a favorite homemade recipe you can use the basics from that recipe and try my additions.
I’ll list a homemade recipe here that I sometimes use as a base when I get a bit more motivated in the kitchen but feel free to use a box mix and substitute as many of the ingredients as you can with the healthy organic and natural ones I’ve listed.
First off here’s what you’ll need (the original recipe says it makes 9 4in. pancakes but it never does right? So adjust amount of flour, thinness of batter etc.. for more or less pancakes):
1 cup organic whole wheat flour
1 organic grass fed egg
3/4 cup organic milk
1 tablespoon brown sugar or organic raw sugar
2 tablespoons coconut oil
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
My Additions:
1/4 cup flax seed
1/4 cup blueberry Kefir
1 teaspoon almond extract
Fresh organic blueberries
Whip cream (gotta have whip cream on pancakes it’s a must)
Add all the ingredients (except the whip cream of course – you can save some blueberries for a topping as well) beat it and cook it – and whalah you have some delicious blueberry Kefir pancakes – a perfect breakfast, lunch or dinner.
A note with the blueberry Kefir if you add some to the batter it becomes pasteurized again when it cooks, therefore killing all the beneficial yeast and bacteria which was so lovingly cultured to life. It does add a delicious scent while cooking and a delightful flavor to the pancakes but it will no longer have the healing properties of Kefir.
It may be a sin among Kefir artisans but I sure do love the smell and taste with a little bit in the batter (shhh don’t tell.) You may just want to save the Kefir and use it as a topping once the pancakes are cooked, or be a bit daring and do both…
The blueberry Kefir I tried was made by Lifeway – I also discovered there are some ebay sellers selling coupons to Lifeway products so if you are interested in trying Kefir why not save a little money as well.
Do you cook with Kefir? Please share your quick Kefir recipe suggestions, we’d love to try them all.

Mmmm….as you saw, we love blueberries. This sounds so smooth and lovely. I can smell them!
Thanks for joining Food on Fridays! Have a delicious, healthy weekend!
Thanks for sharing. We’re sharing peanut butter ideas and Elvis stories at diningwithdebbie. I hope you will come join us. Or, join us for Crock Pot Wednesdays. Mister Linky will be ready for that on Tuesday.
Thanks for joining us for Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.
I’ll have to try your recipe – I also make blueberry kefir pancakes!
I don’t know If I said it already but …I’m so glad I found this site…Keep up the good work I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog. Thanks, 🙂
A definite great read..
I have never tried Kefir but I’m going to – your post gave me the extra nudge I needed. I am gluten-free, so the probiotics are so important. Also, when I was a teenager the doctors put me on a serious dose of antibiotics for my skin and I still can’t take antibiotics today without complications. So I don’t take them. I can’t remember the last time I needed them – I make sure to take care of myself so I don’t need them.
Thanks so much for linking to Slightly Indulgent Mondays! This post is a perfect addition.
Haven’t done milk kefir yet, and I’m sure water kefir wouldn’t be the same. It’s so good to see SUCH a healthy recipe though!
Thanks for linking into the October Fest carnival,
Love Kefir, and I am so stoked to try it in pancakes! Now I want to try it in muffins, too. Thank you for the tip.
Thanks for the comments everyone – I’m behind on the ‘ol comment replies it would seem. 🙂 I was reminded of this recipe today as I was making banana bread and tried a dash of raspberry kefir to the mix… perhaps another kefir recipe post should be in the works…
That would be a perfect breakfast for my family 🙂 The good thing: it is very healthy!
Thanks Raymund – you can’t go wrong with pancakes. 🙂 And if you are eating pancakes you may as well pretend they are good for you… at least this way they kind of are. We still love ’em!
Lovely recipe! I’m going to try this one out next week.