I have to say I’m still a kid at heart because I love pancakes (especially with lots of real butter and fresh whipped cream). Do you love pancakes too but have given up on them because you’ve gone grain free?
Give your taste buds some love again with this interesting take on gluten free pancakes.
I must admit I haven’t gone grain free just yet but I do love trying new kitchen experiments. So when I ran into a simple two ingredient cashew pancake recipe over at Yummy Inspirations my curiosity was piqued.
Alas, I was out of cashews so I had to get a bit creative if I wanted to try my hand at making some grain free gluten free pancakes.
A quick peek in the pantry and I had an idea, a nutty idea, or well more like a seedy idea if you will…
Pumpkin seed pancakes, or more specifically Pepitas which are the seeds inside the pumpkin seed shell.
I know, I know get to the recipe already. if you’d like to know more about the nutritional value of pumpkin seeds and chia seeds keep reading below the recipe.
Gluten Free Pancakes Made with Pumpkin Seeds and Chia Seeds with a Raw Honey Blackberry Drizzle
I may have to work on the title a bit, but if you are looking for a fun new pancake recipe that just so happens to be grain free and chock full of vitamins and minerals try this out.
Pepita Chia Seed Pancake Ingredients:
2 Eggs
1/2 Cup (adlink) Pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds)
1/2 tbsp Chia Seeds
Raw Honey Blackberry Drizzle:
2 tbsp raw honey
several blackberries
1. Toss those pepitas and chia seeds into your food processor and grind them until they form a fine flour.
2. Give those eggs a nice vigorous beating in your bowl of choice.
3. Combine your pepita chia seed flour with the eggs and mix until smooth.
3.5 Optionally add a bit of water or oil if you like thinner pancakes – experiment.
4. Heat up your frying pan with butter, coconut oil or soft music and gently flickering candles whichever works best.
5. When your pan is ready to dance drop on a couple spoonfuls of batter, brown and flip (the cakes not the pan).
6. Pat your self on the back for making grain free pepita pancakes with chia seeds.
7. Backtrack… before you pat yourself on the back you need to make your honey blackberry drizzle by mashing your blackberries into your honey (warm the honey gently if you prefer – a few seconds in a microwave or a longer hot water bath works well. (backrubs work better for your other Honey – a hot water bath works for your Honey as well…)
8. Drizzle warm honey blackberry sauce over those gluten free pancakes and enjoy (now you can pat yourself on the back)
Makes 10-12 small pancakes depending on how large your dollop.
Health Benefits of Pepitas, Chia Seeds, Honey and Blackberries
Pepitas: Pepitas are a very good source of protein, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and potassium and many more vitamins and minerals making these pepita cakes a nice nutritious snack or breakfast idea.
Chia Seeds: Chia seeds (the vary same you may have used in that funky clay pot shaped like a sheep) are an amazing superfood. They are very nutritious packing in about 15 vitamins and minerals including calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, magnesium and manganese.
With 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries and incredibly high levels of omega 3 and omega 6 fats chia seeds are a powerhouse of good health.
Chia seeds were used heavily by the Aztec on long runs because they slow down carbohydrate absorption and help keep electrolytes balanced and your body hydrated.
Blackberries: Blackberries are very high in antioxidants (nearly as much as blueberries which are well known for their antioxidant power). Blackberries are a good source of manganese and vitamin C as well as dietary fiber, vitamin K and folic acid. Plus they are big and juicy and taste great with honey.
Raw Honey: Raw honey (non pasteurized, processed or heated honey) is another powerhouse of good health. Honey is an alkaline forming food (despite being slightly acidic itself).
It is a good source of enzymes, antioxidants and vitamins and minerals which strengthens the immune system and can relieve seasonal allergies if you use a local source.
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This is suitable for my son. He really loves pancakes and also gluten intolerant. It is my new hobby now to collect gluten free recipes. I hope you post more and more of this kind of food.
For those of you that are interested in an ancient grain that more people can tolerate, even those that have gluten sensitivity, try Jovial Einkorn Flour. Einkorn was mentioned in the book “Wheat Belly” by Dr. William Davis who is gluten sensitive. He tried Einkorn flour and experienced non of the symptoms he experienced with modern flour. Einkorn makes fabulous pancakes.
I haven’t tried Einkorn yet, I’ve heard it mentioned but haven’t had the chance to try it yet. I’ll have to give it a try. Sounds like an interesting book as well.
Nice recipe just a little gritty. I like chia seed a lot and wondered if you had ever grinded them up? if so what did you use to grind them.
Thanks Carl, I haven’t tried to grind chia seeds before if you give it a shot let me know how it goes. 🙂 Even a mortar and pestle would probably work.