Okay it’s official EarthBoxes beat out Square Foot Gardening in a tag team cage match, okay I don’t know where that came from I don’t even watch wrestling but if I did the EarthBox container gardening method would be the Hulk Hogan of small space gardening.
EarthBox vs Square Foot Gardening, and the Winner Is?
When you compare EarthBoxes vs Square Foot Gardening you have to take into consideration what you are looking to get out of gardening and how much space you have. With Square Foot Gardening you need more space but you also get a more traditional gardening feel – you get to play in more dirt and maybe pull a few weeds (although if done right you won’t really have that many weeds to contend with – Square Foot Gardening really is a rock solid method)
What I like about EarthBoxes and what you’ll like as well is the ease with which you keep the plants watered – just fill the reservoir with water when needed and the plants do all the work – they just grow.
Last spring I had planted basil in my square foot garden (well I skimped a bit so it is more like my rectangle foot garden but the concept is the same) and they finally decided to grow at the end of the season so I had to bring them indoors – at which point they took off like a green thumbed rocket – why?
I put them in a pot that has one of those easy fill reservoir bottoms – just add water when needed and the plants do all the work. That is the beauty of the Earthbox – whether you find a manual on how to make your own earthbox or you find a great sale online I think you’ll love your results. Plus you can use them indoors so if you live “up norte” like we do you can grow your favorite vegetables and herbs all year long!
Square Foot Gardening miniaturized with an EarthBox
If you aren’t the do-it-your-self type or don’t think you’ll have the time to make a homemade earthbox there are always sales online for the EarthBox Garden Kit (Model number RB-EB-TRC-PBB although that isn’t really a number and what in the heck do all those extra letters stand for? Really Boss Earth Box Terra-cotta Peanut Butter and Banana I think) At the time of this posting the EarthBox is the hottest selling container gardening product – the word is out on how easy to use the EarthBox is. (if you are in doubt just check out the great earthbox reviews – you’ll love ’em too)
You can find the EarthBox kit and a whole lot more fun gardening products from EarthBox at their Amazon store – stop by for a visit.
Enjoy your earthbox or square foot gardening this year – and let me know whacha growin’ I’ll stop by for supper when it’s ready. And while you are in the mood for garden goodies check out our post on the Square Foot Gardening Cookbook.

ha! Terra-cotta Peanut Butter and Banana, I gotta get me one of those 🙂
Oh you bet – it is the latest in growing technology – you can go straight from the plant to a sandwich. 🙂