As I sit here with my hot mug of Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls tea laced with a bit of oolong I longingly look outside and wonder what it would feel like to bask in the warmth of a natural hot spring right about now. I suppose I shouldn’t complain it is a balmy 31 degrees out, but there is a bit of a nip in the air and I can see a faint whiff of the seasonal cold bug flitting through the air.
My thoughts turn to a past article on the many benefits of lemon that sits atop my blog fodder pile and my attention is peaked by the mention of bourbon. Bourbon and lemon the natural cold and flu fighting wonders of the world. And let’s not leave out honey – our poor honey who is feeling left out of the celebration (and shame on us to forget about our honey so close to Valentines Day).
It is an age old natural cold remedy the use of lemon, honey and bourbon to fight off sore throats and stuffy noses.
In fact Mr. Hot Toddy as he is so affectionately called by some, has been with us since the nineteenth century in India and the UK – a fine place to enjoy the herbal delights of such a concoction as the cold wind whips over the cobblestone streets and the gas lamps belch their sputtering coal powered flame.
But alas, today in my comparatively warm home I enjoy my tea and wonder if perhaps something stronger might fight off the cold a bit better. But alas again since my first alas was the former I am without the natural cold fighting comfort of bourbon, but perhaps if you are lucky (yet unlucky enough to be besotted with the lover called the common cold) to have a bit of bourbon you might try an evening dance with Mr. Hot Toddy.
Try This Hot Toddy Natural Cold Remedy
Hot Toddy Recipe for a Natural Bourbon Cough Cold and Flu Elixir
2 ounces bourbon whiskey
1/2 lemon, juiced (about 2 ounces)
Couple slices of lemon filled with cloves
Several cubes of diced ginger
2-4 ounces water (optional)
1 tablespoon raw honey or heck lay it on thick and shoot for a bit more
The mixture is up to you really depending on how intimate you want to get with Mr. Bourbon, basically mix up lemon, honey, water and bourbon to taste, add any extras like clove or ginger – heat that baby to a nice warm glow and enjoy before bed.
For me I have a date with more tea – if you’ve enjoyed a dance with Mr. Hot Toddy please share your stories below (and please keep them to a respectful smolder there may be children peeking over your shoulder)

It’s so refreshing to see someone promoting the old remedies from days of old which now get passed over in favour of synthetic medicines. Thanks for this.
Having a hot toddy right now. All day was feeling something in my throat and it turned into a cough. It’s 1030pm here and I need to be up for work by 430 am. I haven’t had one of these in years. I hope it helps me sleep. It tastes good. Made it with honey, lemon, cloves, cinnamon stick, whiskey and boiling water. I am feeling better already. Cheers!
Phil sorry to hear you’re coming down with something but your hot toddy sure sounds delightfully aromatic – I can smell it now such a spicy sweet delight. Thanks for sharing – and I hope Mr. Hot Toddy does the trick. 🙂
I love a good Hot Toddy especially now that it’s snowing here. Love your simple recipe although I like to use Auchentoshan Triple Distilled Single Malt personally due to it’s light and delicate texture. Although I have to admit the vanilla notes of Bourbon can be great
Thanks Liam, your tip for using Auchentoshan sounds like a nice addition. We still haven’t had much snow and cold yet this year so I haven’t whipped up a hot toddy yet, but when I do I know what to try. 🙂
The omission of ginger in your hot toddies is quite surprising. And the use of honey makes the drink really taste a bit sickly.
Irish whiskey – (Jameson, Bushmills or better 🙂
A few cubes of ginger
Sliced Lemon filled with cloves
Brown sugar instead of honey
A much nicer drink. However, if you are dying sick I will advocate the emergency use of honey, but seriously – don’t make a hot toddy without ginger!
Love from Ireland 🙂
Thanks Kevin, the ginger is an excellent suggestion, and is definitely good if you are fighting off the flu. I went with honey for the cold fighting benefits, but I’m sure brown sugar would be a richer flavor. I’ll add your ginger suggestion to the recipe (as well as the clove – another nice touch).
Hey Chris –
Do you have any preferred bourbon you recommend for making Hot Toddy’s? I’ve always just used one of the cheaper ones lying around the house, but I’m always looking for the right choice.
I’m certainly not a bourbon connoisseur so no help from me on that front. You can try whatever you have on hand, there have been a few suggestions in the comments above if you are looking for ideas.
Now I have to try this out sometime. I am one person who usually suffers from a cold and i have learned a lot from this post. Thank you.
It all sounds like a good way to go when passing the time with a cold. I’m going to keep this cold remedy around to try for next time.
I think I’ll try this natural cure for a cold with the ginger.
Wow this remedy works wonders! My husband had a fast metabolism so he burns off medication really fast so it doesn’t work. But this recipe knocked him out and 6 hours later when he woke up for work, he felt like new. Now I’m sick and making this add I write.